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30 March 2005
South Korean Flag

KLB - Comments are Back

I had another great day at school. Hope this can last through the week. Sure is nice now that Cathy sits quietly in the back and doesn't do anything unless I ask her. She's actually spent her time making useful materials for me lately, including, lo and behold, a word search puzzle about classroom objects that kept C-class busy most of the period. Nice.

Back home, I got a pot of sam gae tang (whole chicken soup) simmering before heading over to the health club. So much for going in the morning. Lately I've been staying up late reading my new book, chatting to my family in NY or watching videos with Julie. Oh well, it hasn't been too bad going at night. It's still not very crowded then. A couple of other foreigners have joined. I met a Canadian guy named Alex who has been in Korea for 10 years. He teaches at a high school down the road. His job sounds pretty hard. Only five classes, but he has to be there from 8:00 - 4:30 and has over 40 kids in each class. He gets good pay, sure, but not that much more than me. He does get free housing, but they stuck him in some old, gloomy apartment that depresses him. Anyway, we're going to hang out and get some beers soon, I guess. It'd be nice to meet some people who live nearby.

The sam gae tang came out pretty good. I'm trying to eat low fat foods that are high in protein like chicken and boiled eggs (minus the yolk). Though I haven't been back at the gym long, I feel better already, more confident and more energy. It doesn't take long. I just hope I can keep it up.

Finally, I'd like to apologize to a lot of people who have sent e-mails that I've never responded to. I read them all, but I spend too much time online as it is to write everyone back, though I do reply to as many as I can. So, what the hell, I decided to turn the comments back on and see how it goes. At least if I can't reply to everyone, maybe some other readers can give some feedback - but then again, maybe not.


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