23 July 2003
South Korean Flag

Korea Life Blog - New Poll (1)

I added a new homepage poll on the right side of the page. Here are the stunning results of the previous homepage poll:

What's your favorite thing about korea?

where's korea? 2 (2%)
the food 9 (12%)
my movie star aura 17 (22%)
girls actually like me here 7 (9%)
no tipping 11 (14%)
coffee girls 7 (9%)
the money 0 (0%)
scooter delivery/ dish pick-up 4 (5%)
i love it all 13 (17%)
i hate everything 5 (6%)

Edging out "I love it all," "my movie star aura" takes the top position. Not a single vote for "the money" is a big surprise. I personally voted for "the food," although I was sorely tempted to choose "my movie star aura" and "girls actually like me here."


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