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1 January 2005
South Korean Flag

KLB - Food

A couple of small restaurants opened in the lobby of our building over the past few months. They're both really good. I'll have to get a picture of the sam gyeop sal/kimchi chigae place. Here's what we ordered from the other place, which is a bun shik jeom (meaning something like simple food restaurant).

It's a giant pork cutlet and rice, a fresh roll of kim bap, u-dong and some a few small side dishes including kimchi. All this, plenty for two people for a total of 6,000 won ($5.50) delivered piping hot to our door by the owner. Great!

Julie had a craving for spaghetti, so I'm in the process of making the sauce now. I usually start with a jar of sauce, then add in some stewed tomatos, a fresh tomato, garlic and the usual seasoning. There are some big chunks of mushroom in there, but they will boil down.


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