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6 January 2005
South Korean Flag

KLB - Asian Blog Awards

Well, according to the host, voting has closed in the Asian Blog Awards. You can still vote, but the polls ended along with the last second of 2004 (HK time).

The system seemed more fair this year than in 2003 when non-English blogs were on the lists (I came in second to one) and when votes were only tracked using cookies, not IP address and could easily be manipulated. Though it appears I crushed the competition into rubble this year for Best Korean Blog, I will hold off on the celebration party (free beer and hot women for everyone - losers not included) until the official results are posted, but I would like to say thanks to everyone who voted for me.

I should point out that the main point of the awards isn't just to rub winning in the faces of all the pathetic losers (as much as it should be) as it is to give recognition to interesting blogs from this part of the world. I've found a few new ones myself because of it.

You can check Simon's World for the official results which should be posted within the next few days. In the meantime, I would like to personally thank Simon himself for taking the time to host the awards and congratulate him for taking the much deserved top spot for Best Designed Blog.


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