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29 August 2004
South Korean Flag

Korea Life Blog - Thanks Everyone

Wow, I'm truly thankful for all of the comments of condolence for Aunt Izzy's departure. I read every comment and was touched and appreciative. Only one heckler!

I spent the last few days with “JongnoGuru”, an occasional poster on Dave’s ESL CafĂ© who owns a house (or two) in Pyongchang-dong nearby Gwang Hwa Mun, in northern Seoul. It's a surprisingly unique suburban type "dong" (town) with actual houses and very few apartments, lots of temples and nature and right next to the heart of the city. Lot of comfortable people nestled in the area. Today we spent the afternoon on motor scooters zipping through the hills and viewing the sites.

I took loads of pics, but I haven't checked them over yet. I just got back and probably won't make the update until tomorrow, but I wanted to stop and thank everyone here for all the nice comments of sympathy. It's hard to feel too badly because Aunt Izzy lived to be 89 and had such a warm and charming personality and positive outlook on life. I don't want to remember her as someone I should have written more. She was in my thoughts every day and always will be. I have wonderful memories and am thankful for those.

Just a quick thank you to Joel for this plug for my book. A bunch of other bloggers have mentioned it as well, some of which I added to my links section. It's getting harder and harder to keep up with everybody nowadays. I remember way back when there was only a couple of us, now with the ease of setting up and maintaining a blog getting easier and easier, there's a flood washing over the net. I'm lucky to have such a great group of fans and regular readers. See you soon.


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